Act like a Christian in any circumstance. Follow Jesus’ (the Son of God and also God) greatest commandment:
Love God completely and everybody even if they treat you wrongly whether you know them or not. Jesus said “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you ”
A few of my favorite Christian building passages are Proverbs 8:17-21, Psalms 1:1-3, John 14:21-27, James 1:2-8, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, 2 Timothy 1:6-7, Hebrews 8:6-10, Ephesians 6:10-18, Proverbs 4:20-23.
Acknowledge that you have faults (sins) and then repent — Change your attitudes and pray!
- Don’t be hard on yourself if and when you fail but — admit it, yourself up ;Trust in God –go forward.
Read your Bible!
- All scripture is inspired by God and profitable [ for something] for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16
- If you open to a part that is not meaningful to you consider skipping a chapter or two and try again or close your Bible and open it again.
Set aside time for effective and meaningful prayer.
- Make intercession for people who do not pray enough for their own development.
- I recommend that you say the prayer in Ephesians 1:16-23 for yourself everyday for one year and God will open up your spirit and develop your understanding.
- You will have so much spiritual insight that you make a big impact on others.
Try to see the perspectives (point of views) of others, even if you personally disagree with them.
- Of course, an answered prayer for peace for your enemies and that they would become blessed as children of God would help both you and them.
Be patient wit h people who anger you; work on trying to forgive those who have hurt you.
- If you have a hard time love your enemies, pray to God for help.
Work and pray for others to the best of your abilities to help others in many ways.
- Care for the poor and needy
Treat others kindly as you would like to be treated.
- Even simple acts of kindness like holding open a door for someone are good deeds that can help, because then you feel that others should think well of you and your testimony in Christ.
Volunteer to help people.
- Help someone with something to their car or to their house will make you feel good.
Remain conservative in your ethics, moderate and modest being sure to remember that pride can be dangerous.
- Pride is said to be the mother of all sins, because pride resides in each one of us.
- The source of all sin is and not considering others(greed,lust,murder,theft, etc)
Share your beliefs so that your can spread the good news.
- Remember, living the Christian life through your actions will make others want to follow God.
Understand what Christians believe God said that you will be persecuted for your beliefs, so do not allow others’ attacks to weaken your faith.
- Have the courage of your convictions to do well but not for judging others.
Make special efforts to fellowship with other believers.
- Give the credit for any good that you may do to God and to God’s blessing. It will bless you back.
Reform yourself.
- The Bible says ” Therefore, rid yourselves of everything impure and every expression of wickedness, and with a gentle spirit welcome the word planted in you that can save your souls.
Remember the heart of your faith should be love, but to live as Jesus, but as long as you are aspiring to be like him, you are on the right track.
- God will always be there to help you through it. one step at a time.
Fall in love with God , trust him will all your heart, mind, and soul.
- He loves you more than anyone on the planet is even slightly capable of doing.
- That is worth everything!!
Make sure you know what you’re talking about before you preach it.
- I think this one makes sense without other words.
Let people know that your BELIEVE Christianity is the true religion.
- Do not insult anyone’s beliefs by saying that they are wrong.
Practice with you preach….
- Self explanatory!!!!!!